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You kids are so with it these days! 😀
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Hi Tricia ,above picture is one I painted some time ago with sepia manuscript ink that changed to dark pink when diluted with water.Ihave just found the empty bottle of it so maybe calligraphy sepia might dilute to produce similar effect.Really pleased you introduced us to this medium many years ago,it is almost magical.Thanks for answering my questions and Happy New Year.Thea
I'm going to guess that good to paint with and the splitting properties of 'Quink' are two different things. Quink is awful to paint with...it stains, you can't move it around the surface or lift it out and you can't dilute it (if you do the colour splits). This is precisely what makes it so fun to work with!!!!!! There are plenty of permanent (waterproof) and none permanent inks you can paint with. drawing inks are great (Windsor & newton) or FW acrylic inks are great and permanent. Seawhite do some large bottles of drawing ink which are good and really cost effective if you are going to use lots. Quink is quite different. I'll take a look at the calligraphy ink. I guess there are other manufacturers of inks that are essentially designed not to be diluted, because it splits the ink into its constituent colours.
Thanks Tricia.Afriend wanted to try quink and asked this question and I got confused!Rymans sell permanent black online.Another American art site called THE DECKLE EDGE suggested non waterproof.It also recommended Winsor and Newton calligraphy ink is good to paint with.
I'm not sure I've seen quink labelled as washable. The blue quink won't split into different colours as I guess it can be diluted. The black will split as it isn't designed to be diluted...but i"ve looked at my bottles and they don't say permanent or washable. I do know that if you get black quink on your fingers it takes days to wash off! Let me know where the permanent or washable comes from and I might be able to answer better.
HI Tricia,when painting with quink does it make a difference whether it is washable or permanent?
Thank you for you question. Unfortunately I will have to revoke your membership if you keep messing around. No dinner for you tonight. 😛
What's an emoji 🤔