Click on the Create New Post button. Add a title that includes the medium you used e.g. Watercolour landscape.
You can then write something about how you made it or how you feel about your work.
Click the little camera icon below (add an image) it will open up your computer or mobile. Go to your Photos or Gallery or Camera Roll and select the image you want to display.
Fingers crossed it's there!

If you want to change anything about it you just click on the image and you can change the size of it, move it from left to right or Delete it if you clicked on the wrong one!
Then Publish your post!
Give it a go, share something you've done.
I’m still working through some exercises, the only exercises I have not done but have listened to and made notes were the psychological aspects to do with creating, they just turned me off. I have other pictures I can share, so will try and load those tomorrow.
Some beautiful work and quite different topics Did you attempt each of the sketchbook revival projects? Which one did you enjoy the most?
Some of the work I’ve been doing with sketchbook revival this month.
I like your picture. I don't think I've ever seen that cup and saucer before!