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Here below is an adapted version of some Writing I wrote in a writing group which I was thinking to add image illustration to. So here are some words and over the last week I first came up with one sketch of an image ( first idea of an initial illustrative image i snot included and was a sketch ...rather blatant but could deploy more subtle examples rom other areas of experience and possibility of subject matter: sketch idea 1 was a human form in a garment in a social setting where it seemed to some to be a cause of clash - the person actually is fighting off blows from one person and being mocked by some, plus others look on in concern and sympathy perhaps,...based on a real event I experienced in a bar) ...Then further possible images that could perhaps surround some central text - I am including also some rather basic sketches that came up today during an art journaling event wherein I started to find variations on the idea of perhaps text and associated images perhaps also by dividing a pictorial area into sections of sub images eg like a grid ( 3 x 4 squares perhaps). I also find myself drifting towards a Blake influence by further developing and adding other images of meaning from my the recent Culture Manifesto could go in one square..and then maybe illustrations of other meaningful a wider development of the evolving format. ( Imagery A1 below is a sketch from this morning experimenting; Imagery B ( above) is playing with idea of taking just some quotes in the centre of the frame - even pondering arranging the words like a collage of an apparent face or head and body and relating sketch images around this)
The Words :-
Well I’m a Freedresser.
Freedresser is not transvestite.
Ah clothing – the theatricality of garments….that by donning any item one can make a “situation”…the situationism of clothing.
The practicality of many women’s clothes…in a fact a bra type garment could be also a useful place to put your wallet…your keys...if without a bag or pockets…then again half the world wears skirts whatever the gender…maybe more.
Then there is the feel of clothing…the mini skirt… the longer flowing skirt type item
The dress…fits better if over weight than many off the line trousers..
Plus the feel…the aesthetics...
Brave and tough…walk down the street in a pink dress or anything similar and look “male” and that is an action test of the individual..
Downsides: silly comments and attitudes...though it can make you realise some things...why some woman may behave as they do...if some dingbat thinks it is a laugh to put his hand up your skirt in a likely throws them out
Club wear...oh the nightclubs where you can dress however…
Clothing and fun…often liberating and aesthetically enthralling
Rituals...clothingreligions…make up and design your own
Though maybe lately I follow the current debates from a slight lack of up to dateness..
( if one goes out like this...some like it…some...take the mickey...some ask…some…are otherwise…and it has gone through various phases for me…now I often see a dress as like a long shirt...tucks in better than some t shirts and better materials…the tunic in the past…or Polynesian and other parts of the world everyday clothing...or...that which is fashioned at times for someone sexy primarily female in catalogues..)
Punk new romantic fashions..
Wigs… clothing…new materials…
..sometimes people seem to want to boss and tell one how to do it...but…rather to explore and play and experience and be..
..aesthetically to have the same range of clothing as anyone..
“I am not a number – I’m a free man!” is the slogan of a well known series called The Prisoner, and similarly “I am not a transvestite – I’m a free dresser “ could be a similar theme.

hi - the marking - you mean...well - oil pastels or colour pencils also are seeming a quick way to make a simple colour mark without complications of aftermess or drying- the other pastel type (chalky) leave a dust and are a bit is learning things..I had a chat with a lady on the seafront who reckoned water colours are the hardest in her opinion as correction making is harder therein...(note..the blackish dark grey symbols in one lower square actually represent curtains to another realm plus a symbol that means a portal of initiation - the pi type symbol..those being jottings but related also to another area I was considering this week and wrote about - life beyond/other realms beyond this they are jottings but related partly to such things as the book of Kells or Blake Jerusalem...but a more new age emphasis perhaps..)... so am enjoying exploring plus the many links you put up have been great..from sites of major art galleries to particular things lik elast week...thanks
Thanks for sharing your work and ideas. I love the marketing in your second set of sketches. Are you enjoying using oil pastels as a medium?