Yesterday I spent the morning at Knepp on a watercolour course with Tom Shepherd.
It was very interesting to see him work. It was good to also see the materials he uses and get to chat with him and talk about painting.
I have to say I'm not thrilled with what I produced as he encouraged everyone to work like him. I think I need to take his tips onboard and add them to my own way of working.
I also took some time out to see the Wilding exhibition at Knepp. It was a very diverse collection of artists and work. Very interesting.
Here are the three pieces I produced during the morning.
Two were copies of his demo and the owl was my own at the end of the session to use up the lovely Daniel Smith paints!
I like the blocks of colour on the kingfisher, especially on the wings, and they are cleverly mixed up with just enough detail. Very impressive. Helen