Oil on canvas. I think this was one of the pieces I did for Tricia’s art swop project ?
Yes George is right, you really feel the crisp brittleness of the bark, leaves and bracket.
Lovely image. I like the texture of the canvas - you can sort of feel the roughness of the bark.
Thanks George! It’s a test to try and get perspective on such a small canvas.
Great detail and sense of space in such a small painting.
Oow. I like this one. Great reflection. Is this quite a small size?
Yes! I think there was a size limit on the piece we could submit? I did two, this was the lesser one
Yes I think the size was about 20x20 cm.
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Yes George is right, you really feel the crisp brittleness of the bark, leaves and bracket.
Lovely image. I like the texture of the canvas - you can sort of feel the roughness of the bark.
Great detail and sense of space in such a small painting.
Oow. I like this one. Great reflection. Is this quite a small size?